NumbersTM was developed as a web-server to collate data from field devices. The various reports can be drawn from the data received from the field devices. The field devices are very low level wireless GSM units that logs the data at regular intervals and sent to the web-server. The field devices are configured via the NumbersTM web-server. The field device logs data from field instruments such as temperature probes, Ph meters, Conductivity meters, Flow meters. Basically any field instrument that has digital outputs, 1-5 volts output and 4- 20mA outputs can be connected to the field device. The NumbersTM web-server presents professional standard reports for data analysis. The raw data can be downloaded in CSV format that can be also imported into excel spreadsheet. The NumbersTM web-server also sends Predefined reports to pre-programmed client email addresses. On approval of the reports, the reports can be immediately emailed to anyone via the NumbersTM . Alarm limits for each input for the field device can be set in the NumbersTM web-server. If an input falls outside the alarm parameters, an email is automatically sent out to pre-programmed email addresses. On immediate log into the NumbersTM web-server, the user is presented with a professional dashboard that gives the user a snap shot of his field devices. Buildings Communication devices: Modular communicators that allow data transfer from any instrument with a 4 – 20 mA output to your own custom made website. Field devices: Standard instruments and equipment, such as conductivity meters, pH meters, flow meters, temperature transmitters, etc required to achieve programme control. Data from Customer-installed field instruments, having a 4 – 20 mA output, can also be communicated to our web platform. Proprietary Control Equipment: Data from proprietary control systems, such as cooling system control module, scada, can be communicated and viewed on via the web platform. Our web platform, combined with specialty programs and on-site monitoring and control equipment, allows for on-line statistical data evaluation, to enable systematic improvement of the operating efficiency and integrity of our Customers water and process systems.
The BuildingsTM was developed as a web-server to collate date from field devices. The various reports can be drawn from the data received from the field devices. The field devices are very low level mod bus units that logs the data at regular intervals and sent to the web-server. The field devices are configured via the BuildingsTM web-server. The field device logs data from field instruments such as temperature probes, Ph meters, Conductivity meters, Flow meters, Power meters etc. Basically any field instrument that has digital outputs, 1-5 volts output and 4-20mA outputs can be connected to the field device. The BuildingsTM also interfaces to generic modbus devices such as power meters etc. The BuildingsTM web-server presents professional standard reports for data analysis. The raw data can be downloaded in CSV format that can be also imported into excel spreadsheet. The BuildingsTM web-server also sends Predefined reports to pre-programmed client email addresses. On approval of the reports, the reports can be immediately emailed to anyone via the NumbersTM . Alarm limits for each input for the field device can be set in the BuildingsTM web-server. If an input falls outside the alarm parameters, an email is automatically sent out to pre-programmed email addresses. On immediate log into the BuildingsTM web-server, the user is presented with a professional dashboard that gives the user a snap shot of his field devices. The BuildingsTM web-server also has the capabilities of controlling key energy hungry devices during peak periods to evenly distribute the loading during peak periods. Key Benefits: • You can import data from your site - manage data to make VALUE decisions • This will induce pro-active decision making • Because the system is always online, it will invoke timeous reactions when upsets occur • You can have data displayed on-line that can be made available to the relevant staff members • Select the appropriate Value Results for communication • Using the data you can evaluate & do trends comparisons • Response Time to occurrences will start improving • You can then Verify & Optimize – adding Value to your operations